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Phone: 07 850 5950

Zoe Kaihe - Physiotherapist


  • BHSc Physiotherapy, WINTEC


Kia Ora, 
Ko Whakarongorua te Moana 
Ko utakura te Awa
Ko Hokianga te Moana 
Ko Te Aroha Motukiore te marae 
Ko Te Popoto te Hapu
Ko Nga Puhi te Iwi 
Ko Zoe Taku Ingoa

Hello, my name is Zoe,   My family whakapapa back to the Hokianga region in Northland, but I have grown up in the Waikato under the Pirongia mountain for majoirty of my life and have loved what living in the rural community encompasses. 

I have always enjoyed sports but primarily played netball which led me to play at a representative level. With this came many injuries and I had my first physio appointment at a young age, I felt like I grew up at my local clinic. My physiotherapists not only helped me with my injury recovery but with the emotional side of growing up and coping with my injuries and I am extremely motivated to be able to now provide the same care and respect for others. 

I always love a good chat and getting to know new people. I provide patient lead-based treatments in the clinic, my goal is to help people understand their bodies, injuries and help provide the best possible course of treatment from there.


  • Fraser Tech Rugby Physiotherapist


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